One Grain of Rice

“Whenever the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) finished his meal he would say, ‘All praise is for Allah who fed us, gave us drink, and made us believers.’” [Abu Dawud]

Some brothers had the opportunity to visit a sick brother in a hospital in East York, Canada. This brother had an infection in his stomach which caused it to explode. 

As a result, the doctors had to remove half of his stomach through an operation. For seven days, he was unable to eat or drink anything. Nutrients were being provided to him by specialized means. 

During their visit the brothers told him to be patient and pray to Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) for a quick recovery. The sick brother made a very important statement. He said, "Now I understand that if Allah doesn't want, we cannot eat even one grain of rice."

Being able to eat and drink is a great blessing of Allah (subhana wa ta’ala). How costly and difficult it is to digest a single meal without a stomach! We should thank Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) again and again for letting us digest countless meals without these difficulties.


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