Crying that is Inspired by Shaytaan

When Ruqayya (radi Allahu anha) the daughter of the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) died and women started to cry, Umar (radi Allahu anhu) tried to stop them. On this the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “O Umar, leave them alone and let them cry.” To the women he said: “Go ahead and cry, but avoid the crying of the Shaytaan… Whatever comes from your eye and heart is from Allah and is a sign of mercy, and whatever comes from your hand and your tongue is from the Shaytaan.” [Ahmad]

It is permitted to cry on the death of a loved one. It is natural to feel a sense of loss from which one sheds tears. However, wailing, eulogizing (excessively praising the deceased), tearing one’s clothes, pulling one’s hair, and all such extreme displays of emotion from one’s hand and tongue are forbidden. 

These customs were known at the time of Jahilliyah and are still common among Muslims today. Such conduct is not permitted in Islam, as a Muslim is required to face bereavement, like all other trials of life, with patience.


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