Increase in Loveliness

Narrated Anas (radi Allahu anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, “In Jannah there is a market to which the people will come every Friday. The northern wind will blow and shower fragrance on their faces and clothes and, consequently, it will enhance their beauty and loveliness. They will then return to their wives who will also have increased in their beauty and loveliness, and their families will say to them: ‘We swear by Allah that you have been increased in beauty and loveliness since leaving us.’ Thereupon they will reply: ‘We swear by Allah that you have also been increased in beauty and loveliness since we left you.’” [Sahih Muslim]

Another feature of Jannah is this, that the beauty and charm of the men and women in Jannah goes on increasing with time and thus the love and affection between husbands and wives also keeps on increasing. It is the opposite of what happens here in this world; people lose their good looks with time. In Jannah, you just keep getting more and more beautiful, without any effort, forever.


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