Friday Bath
The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “It is obligatory upon every adult to take a bath on Friday and to brush their teeth and use perfume if available.” [Bukhari]
Cleanliness has been equated in Islam with half of Eeman (faith). To ensure this, we have to clean our bodies, clothes and prayer surroundings five times a day, i.e. before each prayer. The prayer then purifies us spiritually.
This Hadith sets the minimum thorough bathing limit at once a week. Every physically adult Muslim must labour to clean their hair, body, teeth and use (oil-based) perfume, if they have it, at least every Friday.
Cleanliness has been equated in Islam with half of Eeman (faith). To ensure this, we have to clean our bodies, clothes and prayer surroundings five times a day, i.e. before each prayer. The prayer then purifies us spiritually.
This Hadith sets the minimum thorough bathing limit at once a week. Every physically adult Muslim must labour to clean their hair, body, teeth and use (oil-based) perfume, if they have it, at least every Friday.
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