Musa and Al-Khidr

The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, “Once Musa (alaihis salam) preached to the people till their eyes shed tears and their hearts became tender, whereupon he finished his sermon. Then a man came to Musa (alaihis salam) and asked, ‘O Allah's Messenger! Is there anyone on the earth who is more learned than you?’ Musa (alaihis salam) replied, ‘No.’ So Allah admonished him (Musa), for he did not ascribe all knowledge to Allah Alone. It was said (on behalf of Allah), ‘Yes, (there is a slave of Ours who knows more than you).’” [Sahih Bukhari]

The story of Musa and Al-Khidr is mentioned in the Quran in Surah al-Kahf. It is the Surah with which we protect ourselves from the Dajjal.

The first lesson we get from this story is that all knowledge belongs to Allah (subhana wa ta’ala): He is Al-Aleem. It is not sufficient to believe that Allah knows; rather, Allah Alone knows and we do not know. Whatever knowledge is with any of Allah’s creation has been granted them by Allah and none can encompass the knowledge that is Allah’s.

We should not rush to claim knowing anything but should say, “Allah knows.”


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