An Extraordinary Dream (I)

“The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) would often say to his Companions, ‘Who among you had a dream last night?’ Then anyone who Allah willed would recount his dream. One morning he said to us, ‘During the night two men came to me and said to me, ‘Come on!’ So I went with them. We came upon a man who was lying on his back while another man was standing over him with a stone which he dropped onto his head and crushed it. Then the stone rolled away from him and he went after the stone to retrieve it. When he returned to him, his head was whole again and had become as it had been in the first place. So he went back and hit him as he had done the first time. I said to them, ‘Glory be to Allah! Who are these two?’ They said, ‘Go on! Go on!’

“….I said to them, ‘This night I have seen marvels, but what are these things which I have seen?’ They said to me, ‘We will tell you. The first man you came to whose head was being crushed with the stone is a man who memorized the Quran and then abandoned it and slept through the obligatory prayers….” [Sahih Bukhari]

The two men, as has come in another variant of the hadith, were the angels Jibreel and Mika’eel. The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) saw in his dream that they came and took him to the heavens or an open land where he was shown many people in different states. The reason for these different states was finally explained to him.

The first situation that the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) witnessed was the punishment being meted out to a person who had memorized the Quran but did not value it. As a result he did not act upon its teachings, nor did he recite it regularly to keep it in his memory. Additionally, when it would be time to pray he would sleep through it and did not guard his prayers.

The Quran is a gift. He who is honoured by Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) with it, should value it, recite it, and live his life by its guidance.

This hadith also emphasizes the importance of praying the Salah in its proper time.


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