
Showing posts from 2016

The Pen Wrote Everything

When he was dying, Ubadah ibnu as-Saamit (radi Allahu anhu) told his son: O son, you will not find the taste of Emaan until you know that whatever you receive, you would have never missed it; and whatever you have missed, you would have never received it. I heard Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) saying: “The first thing which Allah created was the Pen. He commanded it to write. It asked: ‘What should I write?’ He said: ‘Write the Decree (Al-Qadr) of everything until the Day of Judgement.’” O son, I heard the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) say: “He who dies not believing in this is not one of my people.” [Abu Dawud – Jamu al-Fawaaid] Where you will be born, where and when you will die, what you will receive, what you will miss, what joys or sorrows will come in your life – these are all written. This is the exam paper of life that you are presented with. How you will deal with these events will determine your rank before Allah (subhana wa ta’ala). Pray to ...


Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Let there be no harming, nor reciprocating harm.” [Sahih - Ibn Majah]   The meaning of this hadith is the prohibition of all forms of harmfulness, great or small, since the grammatical indefinite (of the words “harming” and “reciprocating harm”) in a negative context indicates generality. Thus, harming oneself or any other creature, without reason from the Shariah, is prohibited.   Based on this hadith many contemporary scholars hold it to be unlawful to buy, sell, use, or grow tobacco, because of the unlawfulness of consuming what has been proven to be harmful.  Epidemiological data link smoking and lung disease in the following ways: 1. Up to 50% of smokers may die of smoking-related diseases. 2. Smokers are three times more likely to die in middle age than are non-smokers. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: 1. COPD is very rare in non-smokers. 2. 90% of deaths from COPD are attributed to smoking. 3. 98% of people wi...

Repeated Time and Again

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “There was never a Nabi that Allah raised amongst his Ummah before me except that he had in his Ummah some Hawaaryyoon (helpers) and Sahabah (companions) who held fast to his Sunnah (way) and followed his commands. They were then succeeded by a people who professed what they did not act upon and did that which they were not commanded to do. So he who makes Jihad against them with his hand is a believer, and the one who makes Jihad against them with his tongue is a believer, and one who makes Jihad against them with his heart is a believer, but beyond that there is not even a mustard seed (worth) of Emaan (faith).” [Sahih Muslim] Innovation in religion is of two types. One is to innovate in actions, such as to celebrate the birth of Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam). The other far more dangerous type of innovation is in matters of belief and Aqeedah; such as the doctrine introduced by the Mutazilah that the Quran was created and n...

Seventy-Three Sects

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Those evils which befell the Bani Israil shall befall my Ummah, so much so that if there were one amongst them that openly committed fornication with his mother there would be one among my Ummah who would do that too! And the Bani Israil split into seventy-two sects and my Ummah shall split into seventy-three sects. All of them will be in the Fire, except one group.” They (the Sahabah) said: “Which one is that O Rasul Allah?” Whereupon he said: “It is the one to which I and my Companions belong.” [Sahih – Narrated by At-Tirmidhi] Only one group from the seventy odd groups will go to Jannah while the others will end up in Jahannum. This is precisely because they cast aside the Sunnah and consider it better to formulate and originate religious beliefs and novel ways of worshipping Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) -- as if they know better than the very people who surrounded the Messenger (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) and about whom Allah (subhan...

Dead Man Revived

The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “A party of the Bani Israil set out on a journey. They came to one of their several graveyards in the course of their journey and said to one another, ‘If we should offer two Rakaat Salat and supplicate Allah, The One Full of Glory, perhaps He will revive one of the dead men for us and bring him out that we may ask him about death.’” “They did what they had suggested. Meanwhile, from one of the graves, a man raised his head. He was wheat-coloured and between his eyes there was a mark of prostration. He addressed these people saying, ‘O you there! What do you intend with me? (Why have you gotten me revived?) I have been dead for the past one hundred years and the fever of death has not yet cooled on me. It is there till now! Pray to Allah, the Glorious, the Majestic, that He may return me to as I was.’” [Ahmad] Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) is able to bring the dead to life anytime, but He has set the principle that He will not rev...

The Mercy of Allah Looks for Pretext

Abdullah bin Umar (radi Allahu anhu) said that he heard the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) narrate this hadith – and he did not hear him say it once or twice or even seven times, but he heard it more frequently than that. He (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Kifl was a man of Bani Israil. He never shied away from committing a sin. A woman (once) came to him (on an errand) and he coaxed her to let him perform the immoral act with her against sixty dinars which he gave her. Thus, when he sat down with her to perpetrate the immoral act, she began to tremble and shake violently in fear. He asked her why she was crying, did he not like her? She said that it was not (what he thought) but that she had never committed the sin before and her destitution had compelled her to do that (otherwise she would never have agreed).” “He said that on the one hand she spoke thus and on the other she had committed herself (having taken the money). He added, ‘Go, go away from here! That...

Password Please!

The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “He whose last words are, ‘La ilaha il Allah’ (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah), will enter Paradise.” [Abu Dawud] This hadith is like a password given away. Is it really this easy to enter the beautiful land of everlasting happiness? Sometimes death comes after an illness when it is anticipated, sometimes it comes unannounced. Regardless, a Momin is blessed with the ability to die on the kalima (La ilaha il Allah). This is because a Momin has lived his/her life on the kalima and the fact is that a person dies on the same that he/she has lived on. A pious man was called to make dua for an old man on his deathbed. When the man entered the house of the dieing person he was surprised to hear loud music being played. He admonished the relatives, “Is this the time to be listening to the instruments of the Shaitaan? Why do you not recite the Quran and ask the dieing one to recite the kalima?” Accordingly, the music was...

Istikhara -- Best Advice

Jabir (radi Allahu anhu) stated: “As the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) taught us the Quran, so also he instructed us to observe Istikhara in every matter. The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) used to say, ‘When anyone among you is perplexed over an important matter, he should perform two Rakahs of supererogatory (nafl) prayer and then make this dua: O Allah, I ask You to show me what is best through Your knowledge, and bring it to pass through Your power, and I ask You of Your immense favour; for You are All-Powerful and I am not, You know and I do not, and You are the Knower of the Unseen. O Allah, if You know this matter to be better for me in my religion, livelihood, and final outcome, then bring it about and facilitate it for me, and bless me with abundance therein. And if You know this matter to be worse for me in my religion, livelihood, and final outcome, then keep it from me, and keep me from it, and bring about the good for me whatever it may be, and make me plea...

The Beautician of Firawn’s Daughter

The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “When I was taken towards the heavens I got a very pleasant odour. I asked Jibril about it and he said that it was the odour of the beautician of the daughter of Firawn and her children. I asked him to tell me more about them and he said, 'One day she was engaged in the routine task of beautifying the daughter of Firawn when the comb fell from her hands. While picking it up she said, ‘Bismillah’ (In the Name of Allah). Firawn’s daughter asked her if she referred to her father when she called the name of Allah. She replied, ‘No! But my and your father’s Lord is only Allah!’ The girl asked, ‘Shall I reveal what you say (to Firawn)?’ She replied that she may tell him if she liked. So, she revealed it to her father, Firawn, who summoned the beautician and asked, ‘Do you have any other Lord besides me?’ She answered, ‘Yes, my and your Lord is Allah.’ Firawn had a fire kindled and a brass cow-shaped vessel was heated over it. Wh...

Free to Believe

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Allah does not compel belief, and leaves the people free to believe or disbelieve.” [Sahih Muslim] Winners carefully choose their beliefs whereas losers adopt them from others. “Supreme success” and the “greatest success” (as defined by Allah in the Quran) is admittance into Jannah. Just as a person cannot be compelled to try to get admission into an excellent university, nobody can be forced into having the set of beliefs (and resulting actions) to get into Jannah either. There must be sufficient motivation in the individual himself/herself to gain admission. What we choose to believe or disbelieve is up to us. But the consequences have been clearly spelt out.

Enter through Any Gate

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “If a woman offers prayers five times a day, protects her honour and chastity, remains faithful to her husband, she may enter Paradise by whichever gate she likes.” [Al-Targhib-o-Al-Tarhib] This hadith tells us how much Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) values the woman who takes care to guard the rights of her husband. A believing woman is a very personal possession of her husband. Her sweetness is for him alone. She is like dessert. If it is left exposed in the open, with no covering, all kinds of flies will come and sit on it. To help her to keep herself unpolluted, Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) has made it incumbent on the males (husband, father, brother, etc) around her to take care of her and provide for her. She is reserved for her husband and for the upbringing of the Sahabah-like individuals that the society needs. A faithful wife guards the reputation of her husband, never backbiting about him. She uses his money and property under her car...

Protect your Fast and Qiyam

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Perhaps a fasting person will get nothing from his fast save hunger, and perhaps the one who stands to pray at night (qiyam-ul-lail) will get nothing from his standing except sleeplessness.” [An-Nasai. Sahih according to Imam Bukhari’s criteria.] Suppose you made 29 or 30 delicious deserts but then left them out in the open without covering them. When you came back later you found that some lizards, cockroaches and ants were drowned in the sticky deserts, while others were busy helping themselves.  When good deeds are done, then they must be protected. It is easier to do a good deed than it is to protect it.  If you lie, fight, or backbite while fasting, show off your qiyam-ul-lail, or do any such thing that Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) has forbidden, then you are allowing lizards and roaches to ruin the desserts you worked so hard to make. You don’t want to find out on the Day of Judgement that your desserts were infested and not...

Hope Until Death Comes

Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet (peace be upon him) drew a few lines and said, "This is (man's) hope, and this is the instant of his death, and while he is in this state (of hope), the nearer line (death) comes to Him." (Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 8, Book 81, Hadith 7)

Fast will Intercede

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “The fast and the Quran are two intercessors for the servant of Allah on the Day of Resurrection. The fast will say, ‘O Lord, I prevented him from his food and desires during the day. Let me intercede for him.’ The Quran will say, ‘I prevented him from sleeping at night. Let me intercede for him.’ And their intercession will be accepted.” [Ahmad] On the Day of Qiyamah everybody will be desperate for intercession, if only somebody of high rank could plead on their behalf with Allah (subhana wa ta’ala). On that Day only those will intercede whom Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) will allow to do so. Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) told us that one’s fasts will be granted the power by Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) to intercede.

Five Pillars

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Islam is built upon five pillars: testifying that there is no God except Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger, the establishment of the prayer, the giving of Zakah, the fast of Ramadan and the pilgrimage (Hajj) to Makkah.” [Sahih Bukhari] A man came to the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) and said: “O Messenger of Allah, tell me what Allah requires of me as regards fasting.” He answered: “The month of Ramadan.” The man asked: “Is there any other (fast)?” The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) answered: “No, unless you do so voluntarily.” [Sahih Bukhari] The edifice of Islam is built on five pillars. The fasts of Ramadhan are one of the pillars that support the structure of Islam. The whole Muslim nation agrees that the fast of Ramadan is obligatory. It is one of the pillars of Islam, and if one disputes this, he cannot be called a Muslim.


Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “May Allah curse him who eats of usury (riba) or feeds it to another.” [Sahih Muslim] The prohibition regarding riba is for both accepting it (eating of it) as well as paying it (feeding another with it). “Curse (la’n)” means to put someone far from divine mercy. Riba is usually translated as “interest”. This includes both simple and compound interest. Dealing in riba is one of the kaba’ir (enormities) as it is accursed by Allah’s Messenger in the above hadith, and also carries the threat of punishment in the Hereafter in the words of Allah (subhana wa ta’ala): “O you who believe: fear Allah and forgo what remains of usury (riba) if you are believers. If you will not, then know of a declaration of war (against you) from Allah and His Messenger.” [Quran 2: 278-79] If Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) and His Messenger come armed to wage war against a person on the Day of Judgement, does he/she stand a chance? The prohibition regarding riba also e...

Loved by HIM

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Allah gives worldly things to those He loves and to those He does not love, but He gives eeman (faith) only to those He loves, so he who is given eeman by Allah, has been loved by Him.” [Ahmad, Bayhaqiy] The most priceless treasure on earth is eeman. This is the currency that will buy you eternal happiness and all the riches you want to keep forever. Thus, whoever is given the treasure of eeman is among the most beloved people to Allah (subhana wa ta’ala). If something is not in your share in this worldly life (e.g. car, house, nice clothes, good food), it makes no difference. The duration of this life compared to the life that starts after this, is so short, that it will be as though it never happened.   Material riches in this life could also be the lot of him/her who ends up for eternity in the Fire of Hell. Again, this life is so short compared to the Hereafter, that despite having every luxury in the world, a person who ends up...

Ridiculing Allah’s Commands

Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu) narrated that the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “It was said to the children of Israel, ‘Enter the gate (of the town), prostrate (in humility) and say: Hittatun (repentance) i.e., O Allah! Forgive our sins.’ But they entered by dragging themselves on their buttocks, so they did something different (from what they had been ordered to do) and said, ‘Hittatun,’ but added, ‘A grain in a hair.’” [Sahih Bukhari] The Bani Israil have distinguished themselves in history as the most disobedient and rebellious of people. They have, however, already met with the consequences of their behaviour. So then why are their stories narrated to us in the Quran and hadith in such a large number? This is because Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) knew that we, the last nation, would insist on following in their footsteps. Thus, He made clear to us with their examples which actions earn Allah’s wrath and punishment and which actions are worth emulating. This incident is ...

Water and Fire

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “The Dajjal will emerge, and he will have with him water and fire. As for that which the people will think is water, it will be burning fire, and as for that which the people will think is fire, it will be sweet, cool water. Whoever among you sees that, let him plunge into that which he thinks is fire, for it is sweet, cool water.” [Sahih Muslim] This is a characteristic of the time of the Dajjal and the end times, that good will be made to appear bad, and evil will be presented with good names. Pious Muslims will be misrepresented and portrayed in the worst possible way while evil people will be held up as models of virtue. Corruption will be in food, water, land and in the air. Unnatural and harmful things will be adopted as beneficial and essential parts of people’s lifestyles. Thus, it is no surprise that the fire and water with Dajjal will also be the opposite of what they appear to be.

Surat al-Kahf against Dajjal

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said about Dajjal, “He is a young man with curly hair and his eye is blind….Whoever among you sees him, let him recite the opening verses of Surat al-Kahf over him.” [Sahih Muslim] Besides being one-eyed, Dajjal has curly and short hair and is a young man. Additional descriptions we have of him from the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) are that he is heavy built with a big body and red complexion. [Sahih Bukhari] The first ten ayaat of Surat al-Kahf should be memorized as these are the only antidote against him. People who consider themselves to be good Muslims will be taken in by him, give up their Islam and accept his divinity. Therefore, should we hear about him we should make no attempt to meet him. Instead we should try to escape as far away from him and his fitnah as possible; into the mountains and away from cities and civilizations as his fitnah will be more intense here. Dajjal will come at a time when people have stopped ...

Fear of Allah

Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu) narrated that the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “A man who had never done a pious deed said to his family members, ‘When I die burn me to ashes and divide the ashes into two parts. Scatter one of them on land and the other in the ocean. By Allah! If Allah gets hold over this body, He will punish it as severely as He may not have punished anyone else.’ When he died, his family members obeyed his instructions. Allah commanded the land to gather his ashes and it collected every particle of his ashes on it. And He commanded the ocean and it too gathered all particles even from its depths. (Then He gave it life and speech and) He asked him, ‘Why did you do that?’ He said, ‘My Lord! Fear of You!’ So Allah forgave him.” [Sahih Bukhari] This hadith highlights the importance of having fear of Allah (subhana wa ta’ala). The man had done no good deed throughout his life despite Allah’s blessings on him, but at the time of his death the events of...

Height of Aadam

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Allah created Aadam. His height was sixty cubits. He said to him, ‘Go and greet that group of angels and listen to how they reply, for that will be your greeting and the greeting of your offspring.’ Aadam went and said, ‘As-salamu alaykum (Peace be upon you).’ And they answered, ‘As-salamu alayka wa rahmat Allah (Peace be on you and the mercy of Allah).’ So, they added the words ‘and the mercy of Allah.’ So, whoever will enter Paradise will be of the shape and picture of Aadam. Since then the stature of the children of Aadam is being diminished continuously till the present time.” [Sahih Bukhari] When Aadam (alaihis salam) was created he had a height of about 90 feet. Height has been decreasing for humankind ever since. In the Hereafter people will have the same height as Aadam (alaihis salam). Scientists today believe that the earth was once much smaller, hence had less gravity. With less pull of gravity, living creatures would be much...

Souls in Existence

Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu) narrated that Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “When Allah created Aadam He wiped his back and every soul of his offspring He was to create up to the Day of Resurrection fell from his back. He put on the forehead of every one of them a flash of light, then presented them to Aadam who asked, ‘My Lord, who are they?’ Allah said, ‘They are your offspring.’ He saw one of them and was charmed by the flash on his forehead, hence he asked, ‘My Lord, who is this?’ Allah told him that he was a man from his children of the final group of people who would be called Dawood. Aadam asked, ‘My Lord! What age have you assigned to him?’ Allah said, ‘Sixty years.’ Aadam requested, ‘My Lord! Increase his age and give him forty years of my life.’ When Aadam’s period of life came to an end, the angel of death came to him. He protested, ‘Are there not forty years of my life remaining?’ The angel reminded him, ‘Did you not give them to your son Dawood?’ Aadam d...


Abu Dharr(RadiAllah Anhu) reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, came out during the winter while the leaves were falling from the trees. He took hold of two branches and shook them until the leaves fell. The Prophet said, “O Abu Dharr!” I said, “Here I am, O Messenger of Allah.” The Prophet said, "Verily, when the Muslim worshiper prays seeking the countenance of Allah, his sins will fall from him just as these leaves fall from this tree.” Musnad Ahmad Hadith# 21046,Hasan

Sitting in the Centre

“The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) cursed whoever sits in the middle of a circle of people.” [Tirmidhi] The reason for this prohibition is that such a person sees himself as better than the other people present, while Islam teaches us all to be humble. Only Allah Most High knows the true worth of any person. Therefore, no Muslim should presume himself/herself to be better than any other Muslim or act in a manner that conveys such an impression.

Excessiveness in Religion

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Beware of going to extremes (in religion), for those before you were only destroyed through excessiveness.” [An-Nasai] Allah Most High says in the Quran, “Say: O people of the Book, do not be excessive in your religion.’” [4:171] Imam Qurtubi says, “According to exegetes, this refers to the extremism of the Jews concerning Eesa (alaihis salam) in accusing Maryam (alaihis salam) of fornication, and the extremism of the Christians in considering him to be a god. For both excessiveness and remissness are evil, and both may be unbelief.” [Al-Jami’ li ahkam al-Quran] Ibn Taymiya says regarding this hadith of the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam), “His saying ‘Beware of going to extremes in religion’ is a general prohibition applying to all types of extremes, whether in beliefs or works.” [Fayd al-Qadir sharh al-Jami’ al-saghir] Going to an extreme means to leave the Sunnah of the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) and define piety f...


The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Whoever has pride in his heart equal to the weight of a mustard seed shall not enter Paradise.” Someone asked, “A person likes to wear beautiful clothes and fine shoes.” He replied, “Allah is beautiful and likes beauty. Pride means rejecting the truth and looking down on other people.” [Sahih Muslim] It is no sin to wear beautiful things or to look good, but to have pride means to feel that one is superior to another because of the provisions that Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) has provided one with. It is Allah’s will who He decides to give what to in this world. It is not a sign of Allah’s pleasure or displeasure. The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) told us that were this world the place of reward and punishment, the Kuffar would not be given even a sip of water to drink. Complete reward and punishment are reserved for the never ending hereafter. This worldly life is in its entirety a test. And what we are provided with in terms o...

Lips were being sheared

Anas ibn Malik(RadiAllah Anhu) reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "I passed by some men on the night of Ascension whose lips were being sheared by scissors in the Hellfire. I said: O Gabriel, who are these people? Gabriel said: These are preachers from your nation who commanded people to be righteous and they forget it themselves while they recited the Book. Will they not reason?” Musnad Ahmad Hadith# 13103,Sahih

Kind to Neighbours

Aisha (radi Allahu anhu) heard the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) say, “So frequently did Jibreel advise me to be kind to neighbours that I thought that he would give them a share in one’s inheritance.” [Sahih Bukhari] Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) says in the Quran: “Be kind to parents, and near family, and orphans and the impoverished, and the neighbour who is dhu al-qurba, and the neighbour who is junub, and the sahib bil-janb.” [4:36] An interpretation of “the neighbour who is dhu al-qurba” is the neighbour who lives close, while “the neighbour who is junub” refers to a neighbour whose residence is more distant, and the sahib bil-janb is a fellow traveler. Among the Allah-given rights of neighbours is that they should not go hungry if you have food to eat. You should not bring fruits or other things to your house in such a manner that the neighbours’ children see it and feel deprived. You may not raise your walls in such a manner as to block the light or air of your ...

Keeping the Sound Low

Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu) narrated that when the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) would sneeze, he would cover his face with his hand or with his garment, and muffle the sound with it. (Hasan) [The Chapters on Manners: Jami at-Tirmidhi] The good habit and example of the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) teaches that a person should keep the sound minimal and suppressed whilst sneezing, particularly when he/she is in a gathering. They should cover their face with a hand or a cloth, not only to muffle the sound but also to avoid spraying other people. The culture of Islam is a culture that has been washed in the rivers of Paradise. Therefore, to leave the culture of Islam for anything else is a gross error, regardless of what reason people give to adopt something contrary to it.

No Mohawks Please

It was narrated from Mamar, from Ayyub, from Nafi, from Ibn Umar that the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) saw a boy, part of whose head had been shaved, and part of it left. He told them not to do that and said: "Shave all of it or leave all of it." [Abu Dawud - graded sahih] This hadith prohibits having the mohawk kind of hairstyle, or any such hairstyle in which hair is shaved from part of the head only. Unfortunately, the Muslim Ummah has become so divorced from its culture and identity that we do not even know of common, easily available, sahih, ahadith that we can follow to reach Jannah.

Is Your Ship Afloat

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “By Allah, I am not afraid that you will be poor, but I fear that worldly wealth will be bestowed upon you as it was bestowed upon those who lived before you. So you will compete amongst yourselves for it, as they competed for it, and it will destroy you as it did them." [Bukhari] Wealth is like water and human beings are like ships. Ships reach their destinations by using water to cover distances. However, if water goes inside the ship, then it causes the ship to sink. Similarly, if we use wealth to earn Allah’s pleasure and bring us closer to Jannah, there is nothing like it. But if the love of wealth enters our hearts, then it destroys us. After we begin to love wealth then we compete with each other for it. Jealousy and ill-will enter our lives. After that it ceases to matter to the person how they earn wealth, by halal means or haram, and they forget about preparing for the Hereafter. They do not use their wealth to earn Janna...

Ignoring the Family

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “It is enough sin for a person, that he ignores those whom he is responsible for.” [Abu Daud] Is it sufficient for a man to provide for his own food, clothing, relaxation, intellectual needs and spiritual needs? Can he neglect the same needs of his wife or children? No! A man will be held accountable for taking care of his dependents. Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) has declared the leader of the Muslims as responsible for each and every one of them, a husband/father as responsible for his family, and a woman as responsible for her children. [Bukhari]