Idol Smasher or Idol Seller
The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “I have been sent to join the ties of relationship (with kindness and affection), to break the idols, and to proclaim the oneness of Allah (in a manner that) nothing is to be associated with Him.” [Sahih Muslim] When Mahmud Ghaznavi conquered India and broke the temple at Somnath he also smashed all the idols in it. When he was about to break the biggest idol, its worshippers pleaded for it to be spared and offered its weight in gold in exchange. So Mahmud consulted his advisers all of whom said, “We have already gained victory, what will it harm us if we leave one idol? The money we will get in exchange for it will help our forces. We should spare the idol.” The commander-in-chief Masood Ghazi was also present in the meeting. He said, “This would be trading in idols! Up until now our king was known as an idol breaker, now he will be called an idol vendor!” This statement impacted Mahmud but he deliberated and postponed a...